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Bath Tracker Amp Hour Meter Model 2000 

The BathTracker 2000 is a digital ampere hour meter which provides an accurate, non-

resettable total of amp hours for a plating bath.  It also includes a re-settable counter for

tracking bath maintenance schedules or calculating plating thickness.



Non-resettable counter displayed in either amps hour or amp minutes

re-settable counter displayed in either amp hours or amp minutes

Seven digit bright LED display

LED indicators which indicate whether the display is the re-settable or non-resettable counter

LED indicators which indicate whether the count is in amp hours or amp minutes

Corrosive resistant, wall mountable PVC plastic enclosure

Special Version for very low amperage.




Provide permanent history of bath.  The non-resettable counter provides a history

for the life of the bath which is required for chrome platers.


Track bath maintenance schedule.  Using the re-settable counter, bath operators can

track bath schedules using the Bath Tracker.


Calculate plating thickness.  The re-settable counter allows operators to predict plating

thickness by providing accurate ampere hours.

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