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Model 960-3321 Conductivity Controller with Electrode
The Systematics Conductivity Controller is a simple, accurate instrument that activates
solenoid valves or metering pumps for conductivity control. It is unique in it's
simplicity: Just plug the unit into a wall outlet, place the sensor in the
process tank and plug your metering pumps, solenoid valves or alarms into the instrument.
The high and low set points,calibration and other settings are adjustable by an easy menu
accessible by push buttons on the front of the instrument.
Fast, easy setup and operation
Corrosion-resistant cabinet
Plug-in output control receptacles
Includes all necessary equipment for instant operation
Rinse Tanks:
Control purity of water in rinse tanks
High Acid or Caustic Content::
Provides more effective measurement in concentrated
acid or caustic solutions
Boiler Condensate:
Measures the purity of boiler condensate